According to the obtained conceptual design, detailed photorealistic visualizations of the space are made before it is necessary to agree with the investor about the design of the same using moodboards and examples.Detailed 3D visualizations contain all the parameters determined by the conceptual design and in the visualizations the texture and materials, the environment, the possibilities of space utilization are visible…

When submitting to the first, visualizations await feedback from investors and there may be changes in the model (changes in color and material, minor changes to previously selected items) that are included in the price.Upon agreement with the investor about the proposed design and visualization, other visuals are made that are intended according to the offer.

In technical terms documentation contains:

  • Photorealistic visualizations of solutions by premises (1-2 visualizations in smaller rooms, 4-5 for larger rooms, ie as long as it is necessary to cover the overall design of the same)
  • Photorealistic visualizations of each room in 360 (virtual walk)
  • 3D floor plan of each floor



  • Photorealistis visualisations of solutions by premises
  • (1-2 visualizations in smaller rooms, 4-5 for larger rooms, ie as long as it is necessary to cover the overall design of the same)
  • Photorealistic visualizations of each room in 360 (virtual walk)
  • 3D floor plan of each floor

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